Building Pipelines

All ChunkyPipes compatible pipelines exist as a Pipeline class that subclasses chunkypipes.components.BasePipeline and overrides the following methods:

from chunkypipes.components import BasePipeline

class Pipeline(BasePipeline):
    def dependencies(self):
        return []

    def description(self):
        return ''

    def configure(self):
        return {}

    def add_pipeline_args(self, parser):

    def run_pipeline(self, pipeline_args, pipeline_config):

Pipeline Dependencies

The pipeline dependencies are all Python packages available via pip that that pipeline uses. The list of dependencies is returned as a list of strings, one for each Python package, in the pip format:

def dependencies(self):
    return ['numpy', 'scipy==0.17.1']


If a package is specified with a version, of the form package==0.0.0, ChunkyPipes will attempt to install exactly this version, regardless of what may already be installed on the user’s system. Unless a specific version is required to run, don’t specify the version.

Pipeline Description

The pipeline description is used as a part of the help message for a pipeline:

def description(self):
    return 'This pipeline is crazy fun!'
$ chunky run fun-pipeline -h
> usage: chunky run fun-pipeline [-h] [-c CONFIG]
> This pipeline is crazy fun!

Pipeline Configuration

The pipeline configuration includes items in the pipeline logic which may change from platform to platform, but generally won’t change from run to run. Paths to software is a common configuration item.

The configuration is returned as a dictionary from the configure() method:

def configure(self):
    return {
        'software1': {
            'path': 'Full path to software1',
            'arg1': 'Provide a value for arg1'
        'software2': {
            'path': 'Full path to software2',

The configuration dictionary can go arbitrarily deep. All values must be either a dictionary or a string. String values are used as a prompt to the user during configuration and will be replaced with the user-specified values when the pipeline is run.

For the above configuration, the user will see and interactively fill in the prompts:

$ chunky configure fun-pipeline
> Full path to software1: (User enters) /path/to/soft1
> Provide a value for arg1: (User enters) 45
> Full path to software2: (User enters) /path/to/soft2

When writing pipeline logic in run_pipeline(), the following dictionary will be made available in the pipeline_config parameter:

# Contents of pipeline_config
    'software1': {
        'path': '/path/to/soft1',
        'arg1': '45'
    'software2': {
        'path': '/path/to/soft2'

Pipeline Arguments

The pipeline arguments are items that will change from run to run and are specified by the user on the command line on a per-run basis. Arguments into other programs in the pipeline are common arguments.

The pipeline arguments are added to the parser parameter of the add_pipeline_args() method. parser is an argparse.ArgumentParser object, and arguments are added to it using argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument(). The argparse module does not need to be imported by the pipeline.

def add_pipeline_args(self, parser):
    parser.add_argument('--read', required=True, help='Path to the read fastq')
    parser.add_argument('--output', required=True, help='Path to output directory')
    parser.add_argument('--lib', default='default_lib', help='Name of the library')

These arguments will be exposed to the user according to the rules of the argparse module:

$ chunky run fun-pipeline -h
> chunky run fun-pipeline [-h] [-c CONFIG] --reads READS --output OUTPUT [--lib LIB]
> This pipeline is crazy fun!
> optional arguments:
> -h, --help            show this help message and exit
> -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
>                       Path to a config file to use for this run.
> --read READS          Path to the read fastq
> --output OUTPUT       Path to output directory
> --lib LIB             Name of the library
$ chunky run fun-pipeline --reads /path/to/read.fastq --output /path/to/output/dir --lib LIB33
> ...

When writing pipeline logic, the arguments will be made available as a dictionary in the pipeline_args parameter:

# Contents of pipeline_args
    'read': '/path/to/read.fastq',
    'output': '/path/to/output/dir',
    'lib': 'LIB33'


Parameters in argparse can have dashes in them (and should, as command line parameters), but when converted to a Python dictionary object dashes are replaced with underscores.

Ex. --output-dir will become pipeline_args['output_dir']

Pipeline Logic

All of the pipeline logic goes in the run_pipeline() method. Two variables are populated at runtime and passed into the function as parameters: pipeline_config and pipeline_args. For details on those two parameters, refer to the above sections Pipeline Configuration and Pipeline Arguments.

From here the logic can be anything, since this is a regular Python function definition. ChunkyPipes provides a couple classes that abstract out details of calling command line programs.


The chunkypipes.components.Software object represents a software component of the pipeline. It is instantiated with two arguments, the name of the software and a path to the software executable. The name is only used for logging purposes. Often the software path will come from a configuration value.

from chunkypipes.components import Software

software1 = Software('software1', pipeline_config['software1']['path'])

To run this software at any point in the pipeline, call the run() method and supply any number of Parameters, up to two Redirects, and up to one Pipe.

from chunkypipes.components import Parameter, Redirect
    Parameter('-a', '1'),
    Parameter('-b', '2'),
    Parameter('--float', '3.5'),
    Redirect(stream=Redirect.STDOUT, dest='software1.out')
    Parameter('-c', '3'),

If shell=True is given as a parameter, the command will be executed as a string directly in a shell. Otherwise, the command will execute using Python subprocess.Popen objects.


Do not use shell=True unless it’s certain a program won’t run without it. Running commands directly in a shell opens the platform up to shell injection attacks.


The chunkypipes.components.Parameter object represents a parameter key and value passed into a Software object.

from chunkypipes.components import Parameter

Parameter('-a', '1')  # Evaluates to '-a 1'
Parameter('-type', 'gene', 'transcript')  # Evaluates to '-type gene transcript'
Parameter('--output=/path/to/output')  # Evaluates to '--output=/path/to/output'

When multiple Parameters are passed into a Software, order is preserved.


The chunkypipes.components.Redirect object represents a stream redirection. Redirect instantiation accepts two parameters: stream and dest.

stream can be one of the provided constants:

Redirect.STDOUT         # >
Redirect.STDOUT_APPEND  # >>
Redirect.STDERR         # 2>
Redirect.STDERR_APPEND  # 2>>
Redirect.BOTH           # &>
Redirect.BOTH_APPEND    # &>>

dest is the filepath destination of the redirected stream.


The chunkypipes.components.Pipe object represents piping the output of one program into the input of another. The Software receiving the pipe should call the prep() method instead of run():

from chunkypipes.components import Parameter, Redirect, Pipe
    Parameter('-a', '1'),
            Parameter('-b', '2'),
            Parameter('-c', '3'),
            Redirect(stream=Redirect.STDOUT, dest='software2.out')
# soft1 -a 1 | soft2 -b 2 -c 3 > software2.out


The pipe() method of Software has been deprecated in favor of the prep() as of version 0.2.5

If a Pipe is passed into a Software run() any Redirects of STDOUT are ignored. Multiple Pipes will be ignored except for the first one.


The chunkypipes.components.ParallelBlock object represents a block of commands to be run in parallel. The execution of the pipeline will wait until all software in the parallel block is done running, but all software in the block will run in parallel:

from chunkypipes.components import Parameter, ParallelBlock

with ParallelBlock() as pblock:
            Parameter('-a', '1')

            Parameter('-b', '2'),
            Parameter('-c', '3')

# This command won't execute until both software1 and software2 are finished executing
    Parameter('-d', '4')

By default, the parallel block executes when the with block ends without the need for an explicit method call.

Pipeline Settings

ChunkyPipes can be configured on a pipeline specific manner to handle certain under-the-hood features. All settings are exposed in the run_pipeline() function through the self.settings instance variable.


The ChunkyPipes logger will by default allow any non-redirected software output to flow to the screen. If a necessary minimum of logger settings are given values, the logger will capture all non-redirected software output to a timestamped log file.

Logger settings are set with the function self.settings.logger.set() and given any number of the following keyword arguments:

Keyword Argument Default Description
destination '' If given a value, all non-redirected stdout streams will go to this file. If destination_stderr is not given a value and log_stderr is True (which it is by default), then all non-redirected stderr streams will go to this file as well.
destination_mode 'w' Write mode of the log file. Use standard Python file modes.
destination_stderr '' If given a value, all non-redirected stderr streams will go to this file, independent of the value of destination.
destination_stderr_mode 'w' Write mode of the stderr specific log file, if destination_stderr is given a value. Use standard Python file modes.
log_stdout True If True, will capture all non-redirected stdout streams.
log_stderr True If True, will capture all non-redirected stderr streams.

An example:

from chunkypipes.components import Software, Parameter, Redirect

def run_pipeline(self, pipeline_args, pipeline_config):
    ls = Software('ls', '/bin/ls')

    # This run output will go to the screen, since logging settings have not been set
    # nor was any of the output redirected


    # This run output will go to the log file at logs/run.log, as specified in the settings.
    # The log entries will be timestamped

    # This run output will go to where it's been redirected, ignoring any logging settings
        Redirect(stream=Redirect.STDOUT, dest='logs/ls.log')